The Grange Primary School

Year 5

Class Teachers

N Sture, K Tong

Support Staff

T Begum, J Marsh


This year, our planned topics are:

Autumn Term 1

Our topic this term is Earth and Space.

In Maths, we will learn about place value and numbers up to 1,000,000. We will be learning to add and subtract 5 digit numbers as well as solve multi-step word problems. Towards the end of the term we will start looking at multiplication and division.
Our key instant recall facts this term are square numbers and roots of numbers up to 144.

During English, we will be writing a non-chronological report about a Transmission from Mars. As part of our learning, we will be focusing on direct address, positive adjectives and metaphors. We will also be writing a short story which will focus on the children’s interests.

Our PE day is on a Thursday afternoon for Autumn 1. The focus for this term is on yoga and gymnastics.

Autumn Term 2

Our topic this term continues to be Earth and Space.

In Maths, we will continue learning about multiplication and division. We will also learn more about fractions.

Our key instant recall facts this term: to find all of the factor pairs of numbers up to 12×12

During English, we will be writing a narrative based around the text ‘I believe in unicorns.’ We will focus on the use of effective dialogue, symbolism and rhetorical questions.

In PE, we will learn about Dance and Fitness. Our PE day is on Monday afternoon.

Spring Term

In Maths, we will be focussing on multiplication, division and fractions.

In English, we will be writing a narrative poem based on The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. In grammar, we will focus on punctuation for parenthesis and using commas to avoid ambiguity. Our class book is “Oh Maya Gods!” by Maz Evans.

In Science, we will learn about forces. Later we will learn about properties and change of materials.

In PE, we will be focusing on dodgeball and hockey. Please make sure the correct PE kit is brought in on Monday and left in school until Friday. When possible, PE will be taught outside, so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing.

We expect children to read at least 3 times a week. This is to be recorded in their Home-School Links books.

Summer Term

Our topic this term is ‘What a Wonderful World’. This Geography and DT based topic will focus on fieldwork in the local area and beyond and look into building a wind turbine using mechanical systems.

In Maths, we will continue to learn about fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be looking at properties of shape, position and direction and converting units of measurement. Year 5 will also be celebrating National Numeracy Day.

During English, we will be writing a non-chronological report about Emperor penguins using Jane Considine planning units. As part of our learning, we will be focusing on puns, superlatives, power of three, captions and passive voice. We will also be writing a story based on the story ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne. Throughout this piece of writing we will be revisiting relative clauses, figurative language, complex sentences and dialogue.

Parents – how to support your child from home

  • reading five times a week with your child and record this in their Home/School Links book;
  • looking out for stories in the news or in papers that are linked to their class topic;
  • encouraging them to complete their homework each week- English, Maths, Spelling and TT Rockstars;
  • practising times tables;
  • discussing the world around you to improve vocabulary;
  • sending them in their P.E. kits on the correct day;
  • ensure their Home/School Links book is in school every day.