Class Teachers
L Knowles, S Smithson, A Stalgis
Support Staff
D Baxter, C Beaney
This year our topics planned are:
Autumn Term
Our Autumn Term topics are: “Guess Who?”
We will be learning about significant individuals in history and how their actions contributed to our lives today.
In English, we will be learning about recounts in the form of diary entries. Our focus will be:
- Our focus for Autumn 1 will be Narrative, using Stardust by Jeanie Willis and Briony May Smith. We will also be writing a recount pretending we are Florence Nightingale.
- In Autumn 2 we will be writing a Narrative based around the Owl who was afraid of the dark by Jill Tomlinson.
In Maths, we will be exploring place value and addition and subtraction within 50. We will be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
In Science, we will be investigating living things and their habitats around the world.
In Art, we will be focusing on collage. Our artist of the half term will be Faith Ringgold.
In Computing, we will use Purple Mash to help us learn about online safety and effective searching.
In Design and Technology, we will be creating our own ‘Guess who?’ game which will be based around what we have learnt in science.
In Geography, we will be using maps and atlases to name and find the 7 continents and the 5 oceans.
In History, we will be learning about significant individuals – Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole. We will also be celebrating Black History month and the anniversaries of Guy Fawkes and Remembrance day.
In PE, we will be focusing on Gymnastics, Team games, Cross country and Dance. We will be learning to explore the way our bodies work and how to control our movements. We are also learning about how our bodies work when we exercise.
In Music, we will be learning how music can teach us to make friends and deciding how music can teach us about the past. We will be listening to and appraising music by Louis Armstrong and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
In PSHE, we will use Jigsaw lessons to begin our topic Being Me in My World and Celebrating differences.
In Religious Education, we will be learning about what it means to believe and live in the Islamic faith.
Helpful Websites
Spring Term
Our Spring Term topic is “Health and Hospitals“
We will be learning about significant individuals in history and how their actions contributed to our lives today.
In English we will be writing our own Narrative poems entitled “If I Were in Charge of the World” and writing Biographies about Florence Nightingale.
In Maths we will be exploring Money, Multiplication and Division, Length and Height, Mass, Capacity and Temperature. We will continue practicing our 10 times,5 times and 2 times tables.
In Art we will be focussing on Painting and exploring secondary colours, tints and shades.
In Science we will be investigating materials and their properties. We will be learning about Plants and how and why they grow. We will be growing our own plants in our Year 2 planters.
In Computing we will be presenting work using digital technology such as voice recordings and presentations using photographs and digital media.
In Design Technology we will be investigating healthy foods and creating a healthy pizza as well as making an Easter card using our knowledge of sliders adn levers.
In Geography we will be learning all about a village in Africa and comparing it to our own local area and country. We will investigate human and physical features of our area and a contrasting area.
In History we will learn about the significant individuals: Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole. We will celebrate Women’s history month by learning all about the achievements of Mary Anning.
In PE we will work on our fitness and ball skills of throwing, catching, rolling and dribbling. We will also take part in sending and receiving games and competitions using target games.
In Music we will learn to sing and play an instrument at the same time, we will also use letter notations to compose our own melodies.
In PSHE we will use Jigsaw lessons to learn about Dreams and Goals and Healthy me.
In Religious Education we will be learning about Christianity and answering the questions How does Faith and Belief affect the way people live their lives? And How do people mark important events in life?
Our PE day is Friday for Autumn Term, Monday Spring 1, Monday Spring 2 and Thursday Summer 1 and Monday Summer 2. Please come to school in the correct, full kit appropriate for outdoor activities.Details of the correct kit can be found in the Home School Links book.
Helpful Websites
Please help us in supporting your child with:
- Reading 3 times per week at home.
- Practice weekly spellings
- Practice times tables and place value using Numbots and TT Rockstars.
- To support your child with a wide range of reading books at home, here is a list of 50 recommended reads for your child