Information on
Our GovernorsWe hope that the information given here will provide you with an idea of what we do and how we support the school. As volunteers, we do try our very best to get into school and participate in all aspects of school life as much as we can. Each of us has at least one subject area and one class that we are linked too. We also belong to various sub-committees. We do enjoy our visits to school and find these to be very interesting, rewarding and at times offers us some challenge too. If you see us around, please do say hello.
The Grange Primary School
Governing Body
Our governing body is made up of people representing all the different stakeholders in our school such as parents, staff, the local community and the local authority. This group of people works together as a corporate body with no one person having any greater voting rights than any other (this includes the Headteacher and Chair of Governors).
The responsibilities of the whole governing body can be broken down into three main headings:
This means working together, taking advice from the Headteacher, and, where necessary, officers of the Local Authority, to decide upon a set of policies and procedures within which the school can operate. This can include a wide variety of things such as behaviour management within the school, the approach to be taken in teaching sex and drugs education, handling complaints, dealing with personnel issues, ensuring the health and safety of everyone using the buildings, school uniform, homework etc.
Strategic planning and management
This means offering support, advice, challenge, perspective, perhaps professional skills or maybe simply a point of view based on personal experience. The governing body continually monitors the performance of the school by collecting and analysing evidence, asking questions and working with the senior leadership team to judge how the school is doing against its goals.
Critical Friendship – Monitoring and Evaluation
The governing body holds the Headteacher to account and then in turn is accountable to stakeholders.
All of these things together mean that the governing body and the senior leaders of a school have a shared set of values and a shared vision of where the school is going. The governors all have a good understanding of the strengths and areas for development of the school. They are fully involved in deciding how the school will build on its strengths and tackle areas for development. The governors are challenging and supporting of the senior leadership team and everyone has a clear view of their own respective roles and responsibilities.
Ofsted (which inspects schools) sees the governing body as part of the leadership team in school and will be looking for a partnership where there is frankness and mutual respect. The Ofsted handbook for inspecting schools states that ‘creativity and dynamism in reflecting upon performance, promoting change and capitalizing on links with the local community will suggest excellent governance’.
The task of being a governor is not easy but there is lots of help, training and advice available if and when required. No one works alone as a governor but is always part of a team. North Lincolnshire Authority provides excellent training for governors which ensures a greater understanding of the role of governors and enables governors to become more confident and effective. Local Authority officers are available to offer professional advice and guidance to governors and your governor mentor will be able to supply you with the name and contact details of the local authority officer with responsibility for Governors.
The Grange Primary School
Role of a Governor
It is not the intention for governors to be shadow professionals. No amount of training could equip governors with the skills and knowledge of the many professional disciplines – finance, personnel, curriculum, management etc. which the role of the governor could encompass.
The role of a school governor is to:
- Support the school but not uncritically
- Explain its policies to parents and the community, but not blindly
- Watch its standards, but with care, humility and an open mind
- Oversee its policies and its use of resources, but not in tiresome details
- Help to settle its disputes, fairly and consistently
All of the above roles should be carried out as a governing body, not as an individual governor, and in such matters, governors need to act with a knowledge and understanding of the school.
An effective governor finds out about the school, keeps up to date with current educational ideas and issues, attends meetings and training and builds up good relationships.
Parents and staff governors are not delegates but represent, in the very broadest sense, the groups that elected them, making decisions and casting their votes, having heard the discussion, as individuals.
The governing body has a range of duties and powers which include:
- Deciding (with the Head teacher and the Local Authority) the aims and policies of the school, and how the standards of education can be improved.
- Deciding the conduct of the school; how it should be run.
- Helping to draw up (with the Head teacher and staff) the School Improvement Plan.
- Deciding how to spend the school’s budget.
- Making sure that the national curriculum and religious education are taught and reporting on national assessment and examination results.
- Selecting the Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher.
- Promoting, supporting and disciplining staff in consultation with the Head teacher.
- Acting as a link between the local community and the school.
- Drawing up an action plan after an Ofsted inspection and monitoring how the plan is put into practice.
The Grange Primary School
Roles and Responsibilities of the Governing Body
The Grange Primary School
Our Governors
Richard Ellam
Chair of Governors