School Menu

Meals at School

All foundation Stage 2 and KS1 children at our school are entitled to a universal school meal. KS2 pupils have to pay for these, with the exception of children who are entitled to free school meals.

Children who have school dinners are provided with a healthy, balanced meal that is prepared within the government guidelines for nutritional and dietary needs. Water is available for drinks.

The fruit and vegetables are fresh and are cooked on the day in our own kitchen. A self-service salad bar is available for children having a school meal. Children can help themselves to cucumber, tomato, sweetcorn etc.

Parents/Carers of children bringing packed lunches are encouraged to ensure that these contain healthy options. We request that parents ensure that packed lunches are packed in a strong container clearly labelled with the child’s name. Children will bring home all the packaging from their meal.

We have teamed up with ParentPay to develop a new cashless catering system. We are one of the first schools in the country to use this technology. Instead of paying for dinners in cash you are able to pay for them on-line. Details on how to set up an account are available from the school’s main office.

Below is a copy of the school menu.

Please follow the links below to view our latest school menus:

Please note that the Spring/Summer menu will run from 15th April 2024.

Free School Meals

Who Qualifies?

Free School Meals are offered to children of families who receive one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment Support Allowance (income related)
  • Child Tax Credit with no Working Tax Credit and an annual income below £16,190
  • Guaranteed Pension Credit
  • Support under VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Four week Working Tax Credit run-on
  • Universal Credit
How do I apply?

Please apply for free school meal online on the council website or get a paper copy from your local link office.

From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be entitled to a free school meal. However, it is really important that if you get one of the above benefits you complete this form – it will also enabled us to pay you a clothing grant and the school will receive an extra £1300 per year from the government for each of your children.


Telephone: 01724 297217

Open Monday: Thursday 8.30 – 5.00

Open Friday: 8.30 – 4.30

More information is available from: North Lincs Primary School Meals.

Special Diet Statement from The Catering Team

The schools catering team is able to provide a medically required special diet and has a policy for this to ensure that every child receives a meal that is nutritious and medically suitable for them.
Special diets will be catered for, provided requests for these are supported by a medical report such as a letter from your GP or hospital dietician.
Requests for special diets must be made direct to your school cook with a supporting letter and the required supporting evidence.
A special menu will then be agreed upon, in writing, between the parent, the cook and the Area Supervisor for the child’s school. Once the signed consent form for the diet is received by School Catering a date will be agreed for the menu to commence. A packed lunch should be supplied by the parent/guardian until a commencement date is received.
Parents/guardians who require a special diet are advised not to order meals until this process is completed.